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for Discovery

Moth and Butterfly Farm



Welcome to Designed for Discovery! We are excited to learn and discover the incredible world of moths and butterflies with you. From a young age I began breeding Cecropia moths. This project quickly grew from a childhood bug phase into a lifelong passion. Today Designed for Discovery leads the industry in providing quality Butterflies and Moths, for Education, Exhibits, and Release. Our vision is to see the butterfly industry grow and flourish increasing people's exposure and appreciation of these dazzling creatures. Our mission is bringing people attention back to nature by showing them how brilliantly designed a butterfly is, and ultimately to bring glory to their Creator. With providing butterfly encounters we hope to see our society love and value insects more. We see butterflies as engineering marvels valuable for our advancement of technology, beautiful ambassadors for conservation, and crucial to sustaining the diversity of our ecosystems in which we live. We hope you join us in our mission.

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